Monday, July 28, 2008

Small Group Getaway

Joining our community group @ Ridge has been one of the most life changing things that has ever happened to Rusty and I. We look forward to Tuesday nights each and every week. We truly believe that we have made friendships that will last our life times. There is such an amazing thing that happens when a group of people choose to "do life" together! I mean the nitty-gritty, day to day, "life". As a group, we have supported each other through deaths of family members, financial problems, career struggles and sick children, but we've also celebrated new babies, new jobs, new houses and God's healing hand in times of sorrow.... It is a marvelous thing to know that these relationships are real and deep.... not just that 1 hour on Sunday kinda deal, but the stuff you know you can count on. I say all that to set up this post (I know, I'm a little long winded!)

Our community group went on a getaway to the mountains in Fleetwood Falls, this past weekend. We had a blast! Lots of Wii playing, Ghetto Uno, Guesstures, and hot tubbing fun! We spent most of Saturday tubing in the frigid water down the New River. We shared dinner at a Japanese steak house and ate lots of yummy Mexican food. It's amazing all that we managed to cram into 3 days! To those of you that went this weekend... thank you for such a great time... we have been so blessed by your friendships! Here are some of the pictures from the weekend. Enjoy the fun!