Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Move - Part 2

So we are in the new house and I have to tell you that I think moving a mile up the road was more difficult than moving from one state to another! I guess it has been a combination of poor planning and poor packing.... both on my part. I "thought" it would be easier not to pack up everything. In a perfect world, I planned on packing up one room at a time then bring it to the new house and set it up and then go back and get another room. I know most of you are saying, "that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" but for those of you who know me well.... this really shouldn't surprise you! Needless to say, my brilliant plan completely flopped and I now sit in a house full of boxes and I've just about given up. Maybe we can just live out of the boxes??? Maybe we'll start a trend?? Well, Rusty leaves tonight for Texas and I am supposed to be joining him on Monday and we plan to be out there for a week. The day after we get back, I am driving to Florida to bring the kiddos home and then two days after that Rusty's family is coming to visit.... I guess I'd better get off this computer and get to work!! Pray for me :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Small Group Getaway

Joining our community group @ Ridge has been one of the most life changing things that has ever happened to Rusty and I. We look forward to Tuesday nights each and every week. We truly believe that we have made friendships that will last our life times. There is such an amazing thing that happens when a group of people choose to "do life" together! I mean the nitty-gritty, day to day, "life". As a group, we have supported each other through deaths of family members, financial problems, career struggles and sick children, but we've also celebrated new babies, new jobs, new houses and God's healing hand in times of sorrow.... It is a marvelous thing to know that these relationships are real and deep.... not just that 1 hour on Sunday kinda deal, but the stuff you know you can count on. I say all that to set up this post (I know, I'm a little long winded!)

Our community group went on a getaway to the mountains in Fleetwood Falls, this past weekend. We had a blast! Lots of Wii playing, Ghetto Uno, Guesstures, and hot tubbing fun! We spent most of Saturday tubing in the frigid water down the New River. We shared dinner at a Japanese steak house and ate lots of yummy Mexican food. It's amazing all that we managed to cram into 3 days! To those of you that went this weekend... thank you for such a great time... we have been so blessed by your friendships! Here are some of the pictures from the weekend. Enjoy the fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

THE MOVE - Part 1

So, it all started yesterday.... I started that dreadful thing called, packing. Since the kids are at my sister's house, 12 hours away, I was able to trash anything I wanted to! That, I have to say, was wonderful! I ended up dragging 4 large, black trash bags out to the curb by 7:oo pm! I sorted Ninja Turtles (Yes, Deb, he still has Corey's turtles!), Power Rangers, Littlest Pet Shops and super hero toys until I couldn't tell a Rafael from The Incredible Hulk! But, I am happy to say, at least for the three weeks the kids are gone, they will stay sorted into their appropriately marked bins:)

My good friend, Lara, knowing that I'm a big chicken (Rusty was in Atlanta for the night) and that I'm too ADD to actually pack alone.... offered to come stay the night with me! What a friend!!! So, we were up at 8:30 this morning, and started packing away... I am completely amazed at all that we accomplished in one day..... Lara, you rock sister!! Love you :)

Here is a picture of the dining room with all the boxes we boxes we brought down stairs today!

Friday, July 18, 2008

a little too much youtube???

My niece Gaby doing her, "Charlie" rendition!
She's a hoot! I'm gonna miss her :(

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the burchards are moving.....

Our home for the past year!! Lots of amazing memories
of our first year in North Carolina...
Our new home... I can't wait to make some new memories :)

The countdown begins.... 8 days until we move again. When we moved to North Carolina last year, we knew nothing of the area we were relocating to. Chris and Adam did all the legwork for us ahead of time. They found us this beautiful house we have called home for the past 12 months. It has been such a blessing and we have loved every minute of our time here. With the sale of the house in Ft Myers so unclear, we started praying for ways to cut some costs. Again, the Lord has opened some pretty amazing doors and we were able to sign a lease on a wonderful home in a beautiful neighborhood! It is an equestrian community, so Abby and I can walk out the back door and see the horses and stables! Maybe we can find someone nice enough to let us ride every so often! Be praying for us.... The craziness starts now! My sister and her family will be leaving on Sunday to head back to Florida. They will be adding my three kiddos to their ride home. I know the kids will have a great time, but I worry all those "momma worries" when they're not with me.... and three weeks is a long time to be away from them.... Rusty and I will also be traveling to San Antonio, Texas for 9 days, right after we move into the new house, so my sister volunteered to take the kids to help us get things packed, moved and unpacked again! What a blessing that will be :) On the other hand, maybe you should be praying for her!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ridge Is Moving!!

So, the big news is out! Ridge Church is finally moving to Sunday mornings!! For those of you who didn't know, Ridge Church has been meeting on Sunday nights since our public launch, almost a year ago. September 7th @ 11:00, we will be having our first Sunday morning service at the Levine Center in Matthews. We have been praying for a facility to meet in for well over a year. It has been a real challenge to start a church that met only on Sunday evenings, but the people @ Ridge are amazing... Without them, this past year would have been nearly impossible! The incredible part of the story is that we will be meeting at the same place we have been since we launched. He opened the door for us to meet in the mornings and we are so excited and grateful! The next few weeks at Ridge will be a time of celebration... we have our first ever adult baptism service next week and the week after that will be our Birthday Celebration (Children's baptism). Be praying for the Lord to continue to put people in our paths to invest in and invite to our services and for the last few pieces of the puzzle to all come together for His glory!

Friday, July 11, 2008

cousins-part 2

Yesterday was one of those lazy, sleep in, stay home and play, kinda days. So last night for dinner, I surprised the kids and we headed to Chuck E Cheese for some pizza and fun! We had a great time. Who knew how fast 4 kids could go through 80 tokens??? Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy of all our fun! Sorry hon, that you missed that "awesome" pizza.... I know how much you love it!! Ha HaAll 4 riding the rollercoater ride! What a thrifty crew!This one's for you Rusty!4 monkey's in a barrel!

Having fun!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


For the next several weeks we will have a constant stream of family coming to visit. This is what me me the happiest! I love our families and I miss knowing that they're not right down the road. Last night, Rusty's brother, Brian and his wife, Lisa, and two of their their kids came to visit for a few days. Ashley, Brian's oldest, leaves for Liberty in August and we were lucky enough to be in the right place and be their "stopover" for the night. While they're at orientation, Krysta and Brittany and going to hang out with us. This makes Carter, very, very happy! He has been Paige and Britt's sidekick for three weeks and now he gets a cousin just for him to hang out with! He's so excited she's here and is pretty much at her beck and call.... I couldn't find the two of them and went upstairs to look.... This is what I found. Every single one of Abby's Littlest Pet Shops (+ some of Krysta's) were all set up at the top of the staircase. Krysta was in heaven and Carter was just happy to be along for the ride! My poor son!!! He NEEDS a brother!Carter and KrystaPaige and Britt hanging out in the pool! They even look alike!

although it seems at times, that things can be upside and turned around, it just takes days like today, to remember all that I have to be thankful for.

we've been praying for what seems like forever, for our house in ft myers to sell. there are days when i'm so frustrated and confused as to why it hasn't yet. but i do know, that's not my call to make and fretting and worrying isn't going to make it sell any faster. i know my heavenly Father knows what's best and for this moment in time, this must be it! yesterday was pretty frustrating... I spent too much time trying to figure out how to make this all work out, when i finally realized that's it's not mine to figure out.... it is His and He knows what we need and He has provided every opportunity to show us His grace and mercy... i have wasted too much time on things i can't control.

just this week, He has provided us with a beautiful new house for us to call our own for the next year! It's in an equestrian community (both Abby and I are head over heels in love w/horses) and it's even closer to the kids schools. He has provided Rusty with opportunity after opportunity for him to grow in his career and do what he loves! We have three precious children who are happy and healthy and so full of love. He has also provided us with some pretty awesome friends who drop envelopes full of love on your doorstep! We have an amazing life! no one knows how the situation with our house will turn out, but i'm sure, just like everything else in our lives right now, His love will be abundant and His blessings many!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

8 days....

These are our babies at 8 days old. I am amazed everyday with how big they're getting! Momma finch has been taking such good care of them and even seems to be getting used to Brittany and I sticking our camera's near her nest every couple of days. She will leave the nest and head to the pear tree in the front yard and watch us ever so cautiously. As soon as we close the door, she flies back to make sure they are doing OK. What a good mama!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

pass me the beans!

Tonight we skipped the sermon and slathered on the BBQ sauce. Ridge Church had our first Family BBQ. We had a great time! It rained most of the afternoon, so we ended up moving our "mostly outside" party, into an indoor party. Rusty, Adam and Jason spent all afternoon smoking ribs in the rain, but I have to say the end result was well worth it! Thanks guys! They were yummy! We transformed the Levine Center (where we meet) into a old fashioned country bbq, complete with all the fixins'. We served baked beans, potato salad, pulled pork sandwiches, ribs, cookies and even had a smoothie bar! We had lots of visitors (Rusty's rule # 2 - People like free stuff!) and it was great to see so many new faces around. The kids (and whatever adults could convince 'em to let them have a turn!) had a marvelous time playing the Wii on two big screens! We had a bounce house planned, but it was too wet to set it up :( but the kids didn't know any different! After there was not much left but crumbs, the kids spread out and watched a movie on the jumbo screen. It was big fun :)
It was a lot of work putting it together and cleaning up when it was all over, but I would do it again tomorrow! I love this church and am so excited that my family gets to serve with the awesome people that call Ridge home!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th & s'mores

We have had a great time hanging out with our niece, Brittany. She is only here for one more week and I have to say, I will be so sad to see her go home.... She has been a huge help to Rusty and I and I know Paige and Carter have really enjoyed having her here. The kids have made many new friends since the move, but there's still nothing quite like family! The past few nights we have been hanging out around the fire pit, laughing, talking and roasting marshmallows. The kids have been loving making s'mores and I have lost track of how many bags of marshmallows and Hershey bars we've been through!

Last night we had some great friends over for some BBQ, baked beans (Ash, those things are 'da bomb!) and fireworks. We had a great time! the kids played on the water slide, threw water balloons at everyone and of course, made s'mores! I wish I had more pictures to share from the 4th, but somehow, I only snapped a few and they were all out of focus :( But here are a few from the night before! Enjoy! Hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Carter roasting his 'mallows!
The girls eating their 5th or 6th set! I can't keep track!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4 days old...

Earlier today, Rusty snapped this shot of the baby finches.... my how they've grown in just a few days!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

They're Here!!

So, momma finch has not moved from her perch inside our poor, under-watered hanging basket for the past two days. So, today I was feeling brave and went out to sneak a peek (when she left for a few minutes!)... and this is what I saw! They're so very tiny and right now all I can make out is a beige pile of wiggling feathers. There were three eggs a few days ago and by the picture, it looks like all three have hatched. How exciting! I can't wait till I can hear their sweet little peeps!

Daddy Misses His Girl

I was trying to clean up the desktop this afternoon and when I opened this, my heart just crumbled... Most of you already know, but Abby, our middle sweetheart, is staying with my sister and her family until the middle of July. I know you are not supposed to call favorites, but Abby and Rusty have a very special bond. I think they keep each other grounded. I know he misses her and he must have snapped this during our ichat with her two nights ago. Just a few more weeks and our family will be complete again.