Last Monday morning, Rusty and I received one of those phone calls that breaks your heart in two pieces.... one of those calls that puts all of your own stupid and selfish frustrations in perspective in a little over half a second. Jeff and Melanie Robinson, dear friends of ours, had found out earlier that morning, that their baby Drew had gone home to be with Jesus. Melanie was 32 weeks pregnant and Drew was to be the youngest of five of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet. Baby Drew has three adorable brothers and one pretty princess of a sister, who have loved him since the day they knew he was coming into their lives. I'm not sure I even can come close to knowing the pain of losing a child, and I pray that it's something I never have to experience. Jeff and Melanie have amazed me everyday... they have continued to glorify our heavenly Father in all they do, although I'm sure there are days that it just hurts to breathe.... Please pray for them, pray for Jeff and Melanie and for Susie Q, Luke, Sam and Elijah. Also, pray for their extended family. I have never met a group of people so in love with each other and they are all so broken over this. If you can, take a moment and go to Melanie's blog and leave her some love and let her know that you're praying for their family....
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