Friday, June 6, 2008

last day of school!!

It's the last day!!!
Today marks the last day of the school for the 2007-2008 year. Woohoo!!! I'm not sure who's more excited--the kids or Rusty and I. I love the freedom that summer brings. I love not having to rush around in the morning and I really enjoy spur of the moment park trips or ice cream stops! I miss the kids when they are at school and I love that the summer holds endless hours of family time. We will be traveling next week back to Ft Myers, but once we get back, I am parking my behind at the pool with Angie and the kids!

Picture taken on the 1st day of school.... wow how they've grown!

I remember the first day of school and we were all so nervous about what this new year would hold. Who knew??? This year couldn't have been any better if we had hand picked their teachers ourselves! We all had a fantastic year and are looking forward to the Fall (well, maybe not quite yet!)