Rusty and I arrive in Abby's class and her teacher, whom both Abby and I adore, pulls me aside and asks, "Have you spoken with the principal yet?" I say, "NO, why???" She then begins to tell me that she was told a few days ago that Abby was being moved to another classroom this coming Monday. Needless to say, I was pretty upset... The kids have been through a lot of transitions these past 16 months and the thought of another one for any of them sent me over the edge. Rusty and I headed (or stormed... however you wanna look at it!) down to the Principal's office to see if we could sway her decision. Unfortunately, we were unable to change her mind:( I was so angry, frustrated, ticked off, sad and confused all at the same time. Those that know me well, also know that meant one thing~I cried like a little baby. I was so mad at myself for becoming emotional, but all I could think of were all the changes the kids have made since the move and the ones I know they will have to make again soon. It was overwhelming... I really wanted to take the woman out, but in the back of my mind I knew that it wouldn't help (although I'm pretty sure it would have made me feel a whole lot better!). The worst part was the fact that we had just spent and hour in Abby's class listening to her talk about everything she loved about her friends and school! She had no idea what was about to happen... Every time I thought of it I cried. So we left and waited the long 2 hours until school let out. I prayed in the car when I knew the time was close for her to find out and then I had no other choice but to wait, and trust that her heavenly Father knew what was best for our Abby.
2:00 rolled around and her and Carter got into the car and her face looked so sad... I started welling up again (for like the 25th time!). I hated that she had to go through that, and that we couldn't be there for her when she found out. She is such an amazing child and has a heart that just blows me away.... she was sad, but OK.... We explained that this was not what we would have picked for her, but that we can only see the little picture, but the Principal had to make a decision for the entire third grade, not just for the Burchard family. She seemed to understand. It was a good reminder for me in what we've been through lately. Sometimes we can only see a fraction of God's plan for us. Sometimes He reveals more, but most of the time, we see just tidbits, and if we're lucky, only later, sometimes much later, are we able to get that big picture view. Well, there you g0~Life lessons from momma bear and the third grade!
Hang in there Momma Bear and don't ever be ashamed of protecting your cubs. God made you that way. Remember how I had to fight for mine and I don't regret a single struggle or tear. They didn't even recognize what "learning disabilities" were when I started fighting for Jimmy's school rights. Prayer is the best answer. Tell Abby she is getting to make new friends and God wants her to touch their lives with her specialness. Make it a blessing because change happens all the time. We love you, Mom B.
Out of all of your kids, Abbster is a fighter. She can handle anything that God has planned for her. I am excited to hear about her new experience in her new class. Please give her a hug for me....tell her I am very proud of her....and please get Paige a dog!!!!!
Thanks guys! Yeah, they hired a new third grade teacher and took a few kids out of each of the classes to make the new class and to ease the overcrowding.... Since Abby was testing much higher then most kids in her class, they chose to move her to an already established class where most of the kids were above the curve:) It was a good reason to move her, but it doesn't make it any easier.... thanks for the kind words... pray on Monday @ 7:15am when she goes to the new classroom:)
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