Sunday, March 23, 2008

Busy Week...

I just realized that I haven't blogged since last Sunday. Sorry! I'll try my best to catch you up on the past few days. Things have been crazy around our house this past week. We started off the week with a stomach bug for Paige and a minor breakdown for me! (I thought she was suffering from the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome she was diagnosed with last year...made me a bit nervous to say the least) Her bug ended up lasting less then 24 hours, but then rest of the week seemed to fly by. Rusty started playing softball with a team of guys from Ridge, so Friday nights are practice for him and playing at the park for the ladies! Big fun!

My sister and her girls flew in Friday afternoon so we have been going, going, going for the past three days. It's been great! The cousins have had a wonderful time playing and my sister and I have had a great time catching up. Yesterday my friend Katie came to the house and Sam (my sister), my good friend Lara, and I had a "hair day". Katie managed to cut and color the three of our heads in about 4 hours. When I am brave enough, I post pics of my new 'do! I wanted funky and boy, oh boy, be careful what you ask for :) I love it!

Ridge Church worshiped and served with Kinetic Church in Concord this morning and it was an amazing time. It still seems so foreign to spend Easter Sunday serving and worshiping at another church, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! I loved turning around every corner and seeing a Ridge family member! I have never met a group of people so passionate about serving! My sister and I went early and helped set up preschool rooms and were greeters for preschool check-in. We have never been able to serve together, so that was definitely something that meant a lot to me.

My sister and nieces fly home tomorrow evening (boo hoo hoo) and my kids are on Spring Break all week. I am looking forward to sleeping in and spending time with Rusty and the kids.

How was your week???


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to spend time having fun this week with you and the kids.